
Run by the community, for the community

The Hall is owned by "Cove Burgh Hall", a charitable company set up by the community in 2001 to buy the Hall from Argyll & Bute Council.The company's objectives for the Hall are to:

  • make it the vibrant, focal hub "soul" of the communities of Cove, Kilcreggan and the wider Rosneath Peninsula in terms of adding distinct value to the everyday social and cultural lives and wellbeing of local residents;
  • contribute important social, cultural and recreational value to the lives of local people, inclusive of all social groups, within a well maintained, quality physical infrastructure;
  • ensure that the range of activities hosted within the Hall are as socially and financially inclusive as possible;
  • manage and operate the Hall as a charity recognizing the need to be financially sustainable while giving priority to social objectives over commercial;
  • provide a venue to allow the effective interface of local organizations and national public agencies with the community; and
  • act as custodian responsible for the conservation and improvement of the physical structure of the building to ensure a safe, welcoming and warm quality venue for the range of Hall activities.

Like to become involved in running the Hall?

Read about the history of the Cove Burgh Hall

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at Cove Burgh Hall

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