Run by the Community for the Community

What's happening at CBH 

11th Cove and Kilcreggan Book Festival Success!

Despite Storm Bert, this year's book festival brought large audiences and only one author decided the weather was too hazardous.

However we heard from Beatles groupie Ken McNab, fearless war correspondent Jen Stout, poet, playwright and all round national treasure Liz Lochhead, broadcaster and Glasgow raised Asmah Mir, award winning writer Peter Ross, comedian turned author Josie Long and GP, author and adventurer Gavin Francis.

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Warm Space at the Hall

There was a power cut in Kilcreggan in January. Cove Burgh Hall was opened to provide a warm, safe space for all those in the village without power - anyone could pitch up and find the building open.

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Huge Thanks from Cove Burgh Hall

Cove Burgh Hall is better off to the tune of £610, thanks to the energetic ReBoot Linedancing and Cove Line Dance group. This amazing sum was reached during the group’s Danceathon on Saturday January 27.

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Coming Soon
at Cove Burgh Hall

Other Events

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